I am the Best Dad in the World

Ellen was away with the youth group. I was home alone with the kids. KeKe (an old 6) walks into the room and says...wait for it..."I really need a bra."

Oh Lord, not today. Not me. Not now.

Ah, but she continues..."I really need a coconut bra."

I turn around from what I'm working on to find her standing there in a crepe paper hula skirt and nothing else. Oh. Well, that's a little better. At least we don't have to go into topics that I'm woefully unprepared for. Regular bras, no. Coconut bras, I can handle.

Since I was in the middle of something I couldn't really do anything for her, and I didn't happen to have a coconut bra handy, so KeKe went off to try to remedy the situation on her own. A few minutes later, after some coloring and cutting, she returned holding a piece of paper that looked like brown eyeglasses on her chest. Happy, she went off to attempt to measure her back for the strap. She estimated 39 inches. Right.

Fast forward through more paper, crayons, tape and glue, and Keke was not happy with the result. By this time I had finished what I was doing, so we got out the scissors, string, and a piece of cardboard. I cut out two circles and added some string. I had to use a twisty tie in the front to make it easy to get on and off, and voila, Keke has her own coconut bra!


I am great or what?

1 Response to "I am the Best Dad in the World"

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Thats cool but why did she need one in the 1st place? You should have papermached onto of the cardboard to make it more like a coconut