The Boston Red Sox are World Series Champs!!!!!
It was a great series. They defeated the Colorado Rockies four games to none to win their second World Series in 4 years. Growing up, I never thought I'd see them win one, and now they've won two. In 2004 I was convinced right up to the last out that they were going to blow it. This year I was a little more sure of the team.
They played the Cleveland Indians in the League Championship Series, and were down 3 games to 1. They came back and won 3 in a row to move on,and looked good doing it. Then they won four from Colorado. (In 2004 they were down 3-0 to the Yankees, and came back to win 4 in a row, then 4 in a row over St. Louis. But they had a history of blowing it at the last minute, and in the most agonizing fashion.) Which team is better? I don't know. I don't care. The Sawx win again!!!!
I grew up in New England as a Sox fan. I spent many an afternoon (and a good number of evenings) at Fenway Park. I will always thank my aunt and grandfather for that. One of my best memories of my childhood is being up at my grandparent's house while Grandpa Ford watched the ballgame. He would sit in his 'La-Z-Boy' and nothing would move him until the game was over. He was 17 when the Red Sox won it in 1918. I don't know if he was a Sox fan then, and I wish that they had been able to win it again before he died.
You can talk about the difference in the team over the years, and how money is now buying World Series Championships - the "Yankee-fication" of the Red Sox - and I may at some point. I may reminisce about meeting the players, going to Fenway, etc. But right now I'm going to enjoy the moment.
And wear my uniform shirt proudly tomorrow.