So I get an email from Ellen yesterday with a proposition. She asks if I want her to bring home a dog.
So, she says that someone abandoned a beautiful black puppy dog by school, and wouldn't it be great if it came home to live with us?
She says that there are dog "experts" at school who are showing her how to take care of this particular dog, and it wouldn't be any trouble at all.
It's staying in her classroom all day, and is really good with children.
She says that Stewie has been asking for a dog forever and this one seems to have fallen in our laps.
She says "It's housebroken. Doesn't that make a difference?"
She says to think about it and we'll talk later.
So, she says that someone abandoned a beautiful black puppy dog by school, and wouldn't it be great if it came home to live with us?
She says that there are dog "experts" at school who are showing her how to take care of this particular dog, and it wouldn't be any trouble at all.
It's staying in her classroom all day, and is really good with children.
She says that Stewie has been asking for a dog forever and this one seems to have fallen in our laps.
She says "It's housebroken. Doesn't that make a difference?"
She says to think about it and we'll talk later.
So now we have a dog.

His new name is Sirius Black. He is seriously black. We're not sure what breed he is. Supposedly he's a black lab/husky mix. I don't know. I can't tell.

His new name is Sirius Black. He is seriously black. We're not sure what breed he is. Supposedly he's a black lab/husky mix. I don't know. I can't tell.
Here's why I don't want a dog:
- They don't use a litter box.
- They leave poop bombs in the yard.
- I'm going to have to clean up poop bombs in the yard.
- They need room to run
- You can't leave them for the weekend with a big pile of food and know that they'll be fine
- I'm going to end up taking care of it.
- We already have 4 kids, 3 cats, and 2 adults crammed into a tiny house
- I'm going to end up taking care of it.
- We already had to put a cat on prozac for anxiety disorders, what will this do to her?
- I'm going to end up taking care of it, I just know it
I'm sure that in the long run everything will be fine, and he will be a nice addition to the family, and we'll get all those logistical details worked out, but I don't like change!
So, I guess the dog's okay. The kids are going nuts and everyone wants to play with him and take him out for a walk. I hope that lasts. He's a pretty good dog so far. He likes to play tug-of-war with his rope chew toy, and he is full of energy. He goes, goes, goes, then crashes and sleeps. Then the cycle repeats.

I am resigned to my fate, but I will try to make the best of it. At least he's cute. (And yes, he does open his eyes.)
December 15, 2007 at 7:55 AM
he is so cute!!!!! How old is he? I love him, i love him, i love him!!
December 16, 2007 at 2:16 PM
We just got a dog too, over my many objections. I'm completely in love with him. And he's not even housebroken yet. (He's a puppy.)
December 16, 2007 at 8:05 PM
He's a puppy. We're guessing in the 4-6 month range (does that still make him a puppy?). When we get him to the vet we'll have a better idea. But he's a big puppy.
And, yeah. I think I need to add an 11th reason not to get a dog - They leave poop bombs on the living room floor.
What's the secret, Marie? How do I enjoy the dog after so many years of being totally against getting one?