Today is Iowa Caucus day!! The first actual voting of the 2008 Presidential Campaign. I admit it - I'm an election junkie. I'll stay up until the wee hours on election day, and I love watching the primaries, at least early on when the candidates are still up in the air. So, I'm not to fussed that the Iowa Caucuses got moved up until today.
At 8:00 I turned on the TV to watch with all the talking heads to see what was going to happen. I was watching MSNBC, 'cause I think Keith Olbermann is great. He was joined by Chris Matthews, who speaks in ALL CAPS. Of course, right off the bat there was nothing to report. That didn't stop Norah O'Donnell. She was throwing facts and figures and percentages left and right. Naturally, what she was saying didn't match the graphics that were being shown over her shoulder. I had a vision of a frustrated tech guy in the control room trying to figure out which graphic Norah was going to talk about next, and get that up on the screen. I have a similar experience with one particular person in our diocese when I'm running her powerpoint presentations. She's done it to me two out of two times. But I digress.
So, Mike Huckabee (who?) wins for the Republicans, and Barack Obama wins for the Democrats. The sad part is that it doesn't really matter to me as I will be supporting whoever the Democrats pick. I don't want four more years of this bullshit.
Of course, the Iowa Caucuses don't really mean a whole lot either. It's like the appetizer before the banquet. It starts the meal, but really doesn't have an effect on the main course. Still...
On to New Hampshire (Tuesday)!!