General Convention Countdown - One Week

Once every three years The Episcopal Church gathers together to discuss things that are of importance to the whole church. This in one of those years. In fact, GC09 is due to start next Wednesday. What that means for me is that I am to climb on a plane bound for Anaheim on Monday so I can take my place as a member of the deputation of the Diocese of Ohio.

Each diocese elects 4 lay persons, and 4 clergy to represent them at General Convention. These people are deputies (as opposed to delegates), as they ...(and let me switch tenses here)... we are not sent there to vote as directed by the diocese, but rather we are supposed to vote our conscience. That vote, of course, is supposed to come after prayer, conversation, meditation, and taking into account what we believe will be in the best interests of the Church, the diocese, and our parishes.

I usually get on my high horse at Diocesan Convention time, arguing that the delegates to that convention should do the same thing, rather than vote the way their parish wants them to. I always advocate for “the big picture”. Now, I'm charged with doing just that and I find that prospect a little frightening. The people of the Diocese of Ohio have entrusted me to vote “in the best interest” and there is a lot of responsibility packed in there. I'm sure I will be/do just fine. There are 110 dioceses, so there will be almost 900 deputies in the House of Deputies (plus however many bishops make up the House of Bishops). Not that that means my voice won't count, but the chances of me messing things up by myself are pretty slim.

So, aside from the frightening aspect, the other emotion I am experiencing in higher than normal quantities is excitement. I am very excited to be an active participant in this process (which some might say makes me clinically insane for just stating that), and I look forward to meeting all kinds of new and interesting people. I am actually looking forward to the discussion around resolution B033 and what this convention should do about it. (B033 is the resolution that was passed at the end of GC06 that directed the church to “exercise restraint” in selecting a bishop “whose manner of life may present significant challenges to the wider church” .) I have my own ideas, but I am very interested to hear from people on the other side of the issue. Those who have chosen to remain part of the church, and engage in discussion. I really do want to understand their point of view.

I plan to write on this blog to keep people up to date on what is going on. I know, how can this putz say he's going to do this – he hasn't posted anything in almost two months, and then it was only embedded videos. Nothing written since January. Okay, lay off, will ya. I said I was “planning” on it. I am actually going to try hard to get something posted here every day or two. It should be easier (in a peer-pressure sort of way) because the deputation has agreed to blog on the OhioDeputiesBlog. I can practice writing because I don't want to look like an idiot over there. You – you already know I'm an idiot, so no surprises here!

I am also excited because my family will be coming out to join me at the end of convention. We'll be able to spend a few days in the Los Angeles area (Disneyland!!), and then we are going to drive back home. This part of the journey represents a big leap for me. We don't have a plan. I like plans. We know we will be spending time in Arizona – at the Grand Canyon, and the Navajo Nation We are going to try to stop in to see Ellen's cousin in Fort Worth (and hopefully my friend Eric in Austin). The plan then is to drive along the Gulf Coast and end up in Georgia to see Ellen's brother Jim (who is going to help drive them all to Anaheim, then fly back to GA). From there, home. Now that may sound like a plan to some (and apparently to my wife), but to me not knowing where we will be staying, when we will get somewhere, what route we're going to take – that's not a plan.

Maybe it's an adventure.

2 Response to "General Convention Countdown - One Week"

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Hi... just happen to cross your site...

    Im planning to go to Tokyo or Hong Kong Disney this Christmas. Hoho and I found some stuffs from Hong Kong Disneyland here as well:

    I will definitely take tones of photos there!!!

  2. Ellen Says:

    Love your new format!