We finally made it home. Got in about 11:00 last night, and boy is it nice to not be driving anymore!!
Our last two legs were uneventful. We went from Oklahoma City to St. Louis. Got up yesterday morning and headed home from St. Louis. The only weird thing was this:

Looks just like the Largest Cross in the Western Hemisphere, don't it? Guess what? It's larger. It's in Effingham, Illinois (a town my kids just love the name of...the older two specifically...ahhh, middle school humor), and the people here were so inspired by the cross in Texas that they built there own. Not to be outdone, or maybe to outdo, they built it 8 feet taller. So, we saw the two largest crosses in the Western Hemisphere. That should cover church for a week or two, don't'cha think?
And, for those of you who have been following chronologically, you may have noticed that I stopped posting at General Convention, and that there are no Disneyland posts. My hope is to do a couple of "recap" pages here this week. We'll see how that goes. Watch this space for more details!
Our last two legs were uneventful. We went from Oklahoma City to St. Louis. Got up yesterday morning and headed home from St. Louis. The only weird thing was this:

Looks just like the Largest Cross in the Western Hemisphere, don't it? Guess what? It's larger. It's in Effingham, Illinois (a town my kids just love the name of...the older two specifically...ahhh, middle school humor), and the people here were so inspired by the cross in Texas that they built there own. Not to be outdone, or maybe to outdo, they built it 8 feet taller. So, we saw the two largest crosses in the Western Hemisphere. That should cover church for a week or two, don't'cha think?
And, for those of you who have been following chronologically, you may have noticed that I stopped posting at General Convention, and that there are no Disneyland posts. My hope is to do a couple of "recap" pages here this week. We'll see how that goes. Watch this space for more details!