Dinner at the Bishop's

Ellen and I had a great night out last night. With four kids and a lot of extra-curricular activities all around, we don't get to spend time alone out of the house. So the opportunity to go to a dinner at the bishop's house was too good to pass up!

Actually, it was the kick-off dinner for the Bishop's Annual Appeal, and since I am on the board of the foundation that administers half of those funds, I was kind of required to be there. I did this last year, too, and it is a blast! Last year I was a greeter at the front door, saying hello, and taking coats. This year I moved up to nametags. That was great because I got to put names to a lot of faces of people I've seen around. It still is a little intimidating, as the dinner is for people who gave $1,000 or more. Some of these people I've had the pleasure to work with on various committees and commissions, and they are some of the nicest people you would ever want to know.

So, anyway, Ellen came with me to the dinner, and helped out with the nametags. We had a delicious dinner, grown-up conversation, no kids, and we got to get dressed up. It was a really fun evening. We got to talk with Evelyn who we hadn't seen in a long time, and she told us about her sabbatical and her stained-glass work. We met Alan's father, who was visiting from San Diego, and discussed the differences in Mexican food between the east coast and the west coast. Ellen got to meet the man who was her father's band director in college.

It was a great time, and I hope it's not another year before we get to go out again!

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