Well, this sucks. Stephanie is leaving.
Her husband, Hugh, has been in England for work for the better part of the past year. Stephanie had to make a choice - stay at church, or go with him. They decided that she would stay at church, and Hugh's company would fly her over to see him once a month. The vestry decided that it would be a good idea to allow her to do this, rather than have her leave. It hasn't been easy for anyone, but it beat the alternative (for us, at least).
Hugh's time in England is up soon and he'll be returning to the states Stephanie announced today that he is coming home, but his company is not bringing him back to the local office. Instead they are assigning him to an office that is about 12 hours away. (She can't say where yet, until the official announcement is made.) She has decided that instead of trying to continue in a long-distance relationship, she will be leaving our church and going to be with him. Her last day will be the day of Pentecost (May 27).
Her announcement, at the end of the service, was like being punched in the gut. It took the wind out of everyone's sails, and there was a lot of crying and hugging (but nothing like it will be on the 27th). Stephanie couldn't make it through her announcement without breaking down. Everyone is very upset as she is most beloved by the congregation. But as Jerre said, "Well, we know she doesn't want to leave us."
I know we will be okay. It's just that first bit of news that catches you off guard. It's like the Kubler-Ross model of death acceptance. We're in the denial stage right now, but I'm sure we'll get to acceptance very soon. I think it will provide this church with the opportunity to really see what it is made of. It's a good bunch of people. As I said last fall, "Stephanie is the reason I started coming to this church, but she is not the reason I'm staying. It's the people."
While sad, I really am excited. For Stephanie it's the opportunity to be reunited with her husband. For the parish it's an opportunity to look toward the future. We can either meet it kicking and screaming, or with a sense of vision. I think I know which one we will choose!