Mocean Worker

I was getting stuff ready to take Beenie to camp this morning and I was listening to Weekend Edition Sunday. They were doing a piece on an artist named Mocean Worker. The music was great, yet vaguely familiar. Turns out he's the guy who did the song "Chicka Boom Boom Boom" a couple years back. (What's that called when a bunch of disparate things all come together and gel in your psyche? Synchronicity? Serendipity? Help me out!) And how cool is this - he skipped his senior prom to hang out in the studio with Miles Davis!!

His new song is "Shake Ya Boogie". Watch it. It's fantastic!!

Now check out these sites:
(if you hold ctrl when you click, you can open a new window, and still enjoy the music!)
NPR's Story about MoWo
MoWo's website
MoWo's MySpace page

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