Cats on Prozac

So, I'm talking with a couple of people one night about a week ago, and I'm telling them about our crazy cat. The cat who likes to pee on the furniture. Yeah. I tell them that I'm at about my wits end, and that Ellen is taking her to the vet the next day. I joke that I'm willing to try anything, but I draw the line at the kitty therapist.

Note to self - be careful what you wish for.

The cat comes home from the vet with a diagnosis of Generalized Anxiety Disorder. The (possible) solution - kitty prozac. Great. In thinking about all we're going to have to do to give the cat her drugs we entertain the possiblity that it would be easier for us to take the Prozac, then we won't care where she pees.

So the prozac (or whatever its name really is) arrived today. Turns out it's a liquid. Even better [can you hear the sarcasm dripping here]. Now we have to hold the cat down and squirt liquid into its mouth. All the while it's scratching and clawing to get away.

How is that for ironic? Giving the cat the medicine for GAD might actually be making the GAD worse. Or maybe it just is making it worse for me.

[Edit: 10/8 - Here's a picture of the cat in question. Pre-prozac (and pre-peeing) ]

2 Response to "Cats on Prozac"

  1. Marie Says:

    Giving medecine to a cat is just the WORST! Prayers for the psycho kitty (can you hear David Byrne?) and the kitty family!

  2. bill Says:

    Psycho kitty. Qu'est-ce que c'est?

    Actually, my sister gave us good advice. We are putting the Prozac in a small amount of wet cat food, and the cat now comes running for it! Yay!